
Eligibility criteria:   Age – 6 years and above

“Bharatanatyam is the perfect way of bringing mind, body heart and soul together in one space.”

It is one of  the oldest Indian classical dance forms originated from Tanjore district in Tamil Nadu and has ever since regarded as the ‘Mother’ of many other classical dance forms of India.

The etymology is as follows:  Bha- Bhavam (means expression), Ra- Ragam (means music), Ta- Talam (means beat or rhythm) and Natyam (means dance) in Tamil language.

To put in simple words, it is dancing through capturing the rhythm of the music for expression of oneself.

It’s one of the oldest dance forms and was revealed by Lord Brahma himself to Sage Bharta who coded this conversation intoa sanskrit treatise called ‘NATYA SASTRA.’

Natya Sastra is the phenomenal treatise which even today remains to be the fundamental script for dance and drama. It divides dance into two distinct forms- nritta, and nritya.

Nritta focuses on mastering the hand gestures and the leg movements. Nritya focuses on well structured complex technique of expressing one self through hand signs and body language.

course content (Regular classes – Basic to advanced levels)

Customized Courses

Short term course Bharathanatyam for Ladies ( Age group  – 18 years and above..)


  • We offer Short term course for bharathanatyam for Abroad students and Indian students for 6 months which Includes

              3 months of training in basic and important adavus

              3 months of training in 3 different songs

              Age group  – 18 years and above..


Choreography for an event (Thematic and Concept oriented)  For Ladies , students and corporate employees.


  • Choreography for an event (Thematic and Concept oriented) – includes classical, semi-classical, contemporary, Folk 
  • Individual
  • Group
Contact Info

Phone: +917022998508


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